Friday, January 25, 2013

My Mommy Must-Haves

Since having our baby, life has been... well, different and more interesting :) I've been discovering a lot more things lately and wanted to share them with other moms or moms-to-be just in case someone finds this helpful...
I love these footed baby pajamas with the built-in mitten cuffs. Because I had such a small baby, these were a lifesaver for me those first few weeks. Bettina didn't even fit into preemie mittens or socks so these were perfect, I didn't have to constantly lose a sock or a mitten (she had long nails too so I always needed to cover her hands.) The ones that open in the front with snap buttons or zippers are awesome...

I am loving the Moby wrap right now, I wear it pretty much everyday. If you have a baby that always wants to be carried (which I do) this is great so I could still use my two hands :) I bought another carrier prior to this, similar to a Baby Bjorn, it just didn't fit right, I felt like my baby was too far away from me. The Moby wrap is just more snug and I feel like she's more comfortable in it.

Whoever invented the boppy pillow is a genius. Aside from using it for breastfeeding you can also prop baby on it - sitting and tummy time. It's awesome, every mom should have one.

A good friend bought me this glider for my shower and I am so thankful for it. Rocks like a dream and so comfortable. I love that it has an ottoman to put my feet up :)

Aden + Anais makes the best swaddling blankets ever! They are a little bit pricey though but they are really big, soft and lightweight. They're just wonderful. I think I only have 8 of these, given by our ninang.

Burp cloths. We go through a ton of these, I personally just like the plain white lampin ones. I don't use them as diapers though, although you can. I feel like the more these get used, the softer they get.

Those are my favorite mommy items at the moment. What are yours?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janelle! I'm expecting my baby girl in March and I'm so glad you posted this. I think I need those onesies with the built-in mittens and socks in my life. :) I have a brand-new niece and her mittens just keep popping off! I think I want that Moby wrap as well--it looks so much more secure than the baby slings I've seen. I'll look into it. :)
