Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hanger Makeover

I bought a bunch of non-slip skinny hangers (120 to be exact) because I was hating how disorganized my closet looked. I originally wanted those wood hangers but my space is really limited... maybe when I get a huge walk-in closet I'll reconsider them :) But for now, these are awesome for saving space, and slippery clothes like silk don't fall off because of the velvety texture.
A before look. Note that I must have more than 5 different kinds of hangers in there plus those eww wire hangers from the dry cleaners.
After. Ahhh... much better!
Now if I wanted to continue this madness I would've color coordinated my clothes too but I'm not that intense, hehe.


  1. looks wayyy better :) i have a thing for matching hangers too! andd i like the fact that your hangers all face the same side :P looks super neat!!

  2. Definitely better. :P I like how organized your closet looks. Mine's just terrible. :P

  3. Your hangers are so elegant, I hope I can find something similar. Mine are cheap, mismatched plastic ones, adding to the cluttered look of my already-cluttered closets.

  4. Where are these hangers available? :) I actually color-coordinate my clothes. I guess I must be that OC. :D

  5. i like it OC! i followed your blod sis. GTalker here :)

  6. I'm getting wooden hanger soon. :)
